Thursday 1 November 2012

Zombies are coming!

AMC TV series first season cover
AMC TV series
I'm starting this blog because I find it extremely stimulating to think about the challenges posed by a situation similar to the one portrayed by the AMC series, "The Walking Dead" and the american comics with the same name by SkyBound. Actually these credits are turned upside down, because the comics were the precursor of the tv series.

I realized this was quite a popular hobby when I was looking for a valid name for this blog. Every title with the word zombie on it seems to have been taken. Blogger kept puffing me back. ZombieThinking, ZombieThinkTank, Zombiepocalypse and so on, every single one I tried was considered invalid by Blogger.
The Comics
Not all was wasted on that exercise, though. It was how I found a fantastic site, Zombie Research Society. It has content about practically everything relating to zombies and surviving them that you can think of. So I'm not exactly creating my own blog about this subject because I expect to output something extraordinarily new about the subject. What I want to do is go through the mental exercise of thinking about the solutions by myself.

Why do I consider it so stimulating to theorize about this subject? I think it has to do with the holistic characteristic of the problem. There's the constant threat of the zombies, of course, but the challenges go way beyond that. People need clean water, food, shelter, medicines, contact with other people. Of the living kind, of course. And there are changes everywhere. Things we take for granted are not there any more. There's no electricity, no hospital, no law, no supermarkets with fresh food, no sewage. It's the absolute end of the world as we know it. But not all is bad. There are items of interest lying around which can be used as weapons and tools. There are buildings which can be fortified. There is abandoned food in supermarkets.

In the Zombiepocalypse, survival is as much a matter of knuckling up as it is of planning. Having survived the first hordes of zombies and corresponding destruction of society, if someone intends to survive longer then the next week, careful thinking is in order. What environment are you in? Is it an urban, rural or nautical environment? Each of these has its own advantages and disadvantages. Are you alone or in a group? How should you handle other groups? What are you going to do for food?

Although I don't really believe that zombies are a possibility, much of  the solutions for the Zombiepocalypse are applicable to other global calamities like extreme weather changes, an asteroid collision with Earth or WW III. I'll use this blog to theorize about these and other topics. Just for the fun of it.

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